POOLit Carpool helps in finding pools for ridesharing, carpooling, car-sharing, and bike pooling.
POOLit uses advanced algorithms for finding people going on the same route. Our community feature helps people in filtering matches based on their college/university and company.
Connect with verified professionals for the purpose of giving or getting pre-used items for free, or
at a nominal price. -
POOLit is free - No commissions involved.
High trust factor - Only users from verified organizations can use the app.
Verified users means no scammers, no resellers and more realistic prices.
Features of POOLit
Sign Up For POOLit Today!
Signup with your Organization Email address. In case you don’t have one, you can get an invite from friends or family belonging to one of our verified organizations!
Verified users help us keep our POOLit community trustworthy and safe. We only allow users to register on our platform using their professional or university-issued email address, which we verify using an OTP-based authentication.
Verified users on our platform can also invite friends and family using their send invite options. Only user from a verified organization can invite gmail users to the platform. Incase your organization is not verified with us wait for 24 hours and our team will get back to you.